Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Insurance refund

It is a pity that I didn't take a photograph of our car. I can describe it however. It has two windows (off-side), a V-shaped roof and a rather odd-shaped front. Oh and apparently it was upside down.

The insurance company were very nice and gave us some money to buy a new car.

So, we bought a nice new car and updated the insurance policy so we could drive it.

The insurance premium actually went down. What a nice surprise.


  1. It wasn't my fault - there was ice on the road!

  2. cor karen, have you been taking flying lessons in an inappropriate vehicle?

    Everybody OK?

  3. Flying lessons...more like that programme her mother likes... dancing on ice(?)

    Yes, all OK.

  4. I like my new car, all's well that ends well... We needed a new car later this year anyway...

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