Saturday, 19 April 2008

Like a diamond in the sky

While playing "Super Shape Challenge" game (for two year olds):

Mummy: "What shape is this?"
Child: "Errr.."
Mummy: "T....."
Mummy: "Tr...."
Mummy: "Tri..."
Child: "Triangle!"
Child: "Look! I've found a Rhombus over here!"

I can just imagine in a year or so "unlearning" the name for an equilateral parallelogram at nursery or infant school:

Teacher: "What shape is this?"
Child: "A Rhombus"
Teacher: "It's diamond!"

1 comment:

  1. I feel his pain already. I would still like to slap the maths teacher who said to me "area has nothing to do with size" when I got ahead of him in class.
